The Anita Prince Tee V1 [X.II.MMI][VAULT]
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Product Details
Many people have been affected by cancer in some way shape or form. The words "terminal illness" or "cancer" have the ability to leave hollow holes in the hearts of those who are affected. This tee was created to shed light on a dark topic.
Whether you are fighting for your life, know someone that is, or have lost someone to this disease, this tee is dedicated to you! It speaks volumes to our demonstration. Please know and understand YOU ARE NOT ALONE IN YOUR BATTLE! XODOHTRONU is a family! Together we can help one another heal and grow.
"So many people have died from cancer who didn't have to die"
-@jolie.dopa Stage 4 breast cancer survivor
X.II.MMI is a legendary date in the brand's history. October 2nd 2001 (10-2-2001) is the home going date of Anita Prince-Coleman, the mother of XODOHTRONU creator Jonae Prince-Coleman. "This is a date that ill never forget.. It changed my life forever." The brand was created in honor of Jonae's mother and her year long battle with cancer.
Finding out you or someone you love has Cancer can be devastating but its not the end of the world. Taking control of your health and BELIEVING the body can heal itself is the first step to a cure.
Below is some basic information from our current research and holistic healing methods. We will release more in depth information to our store blog soon!
Disclaimer: WE ARE NOT DOCTORS AND THIS IS NOT MEDICAL ADVICE …but it is something to look into.
Over the past 2 years the brands creator & her team has done over 200 hours of research as well as implementing a change in diet, lifestyle and eating habits to test theories pertaining to the body and its reaction to what its being fed. We firmly believe EATING HIGH ALKALINE FOODS THAT WERE CREATED BY NATURE AND NOT BY MAN is the first step to ANY Cancer treatment! The key to curing any aliment is to reverse the damage that has been done to create the problem. Many people do not take into consideration the things that they put into their bodies. Processed and refined food, carbonated drinks, fast food & dairy are all creators of acid which destroy the body’s PH. CANCER cannot thrive in an ALKALINE environment. See the chart below for more information.
Videos to see from the ultimate holistic Healer Dr Sebi
Dr Sebi- Eat to Live
Dr Sebi- Eat to Heal
MENTAL HEALTH- Aside from a change in diet and proper exercise, mental health plays a big role in the healing process. Cancer survivors and their loved ones may experience anxiety, depression and grief at various times of a cancer battle. Meditation is a good way to exercise the brain and connect the spiritual and physical being. It is important for people battling and their support system to exercise their brain in order to learn to control their thoughts as well as unlock the power of positive thinking and inner peace.
Message from the brands creator:
I lost my mother to cancer at age 11. Since then I’ve dedicated my life and my brand to actively finding a cure for a disease which took my best friend away. Recently, I had one of my favorite high school teachers, Nancy Hanna, who was THE FIRST EVER XODOHTRONU SUPPORTER, pass away from the disease. I have several other close friends and family members who were recently diagnosed and are currently fighting for their lives.
Jolie Dopa (@jolie.dopa) is a good friend of mine who shared the same energy as my mother. She reminds me of my mother in ways that cannot be explained. Ironically, she’s now battling stage 4 breast cancer and KICKIN ASS! I had to dedicate this shirt to her as well. Together we have been researching different holistic methods of treatment as well as testing the benefits of juicing and a vegetarian diet to compliment chemo therapy treatment. We have also been monitoring the effects of diet, exercise, meditation and its effects on her diagnosis. Want to see more of her journey? Follow her journey on her Youtube Page.
I felt so connected to this release to let people know they are not alone in their battle. So many people have lost their lives and are continuing to lose their lives to a disease which shouldn't have so much power. Its time to take our power back. Together we can help heal each other. The research my team and I have done is only the beginning.
A portion of the proceeds from this tee will be used to continue the holistic cancer research & donated to Jolie's battle for a cure. Bless
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